Organic Process
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Welcome to Mannin Bay Salmon
Mannin Bay Salmon are pioneers of organic salmon farming on the west coast of Ireland.
Located just outside Clifden, a famous tourist area this is where Alcock and Brown landed
having completed the first transatlantic flight in 1919.
Salmon are indigenous to this area and for generations have attracted anglers to the area
from all over the world.
We grow our salmon in a tremendously challenging site, with wave heights of seven metres and more
experienced throughout the winter months. It is these raging pristine Atlantic waters
with their strong tidal currents, that produce our exceptional organic salmon which are
sleek in shape and firm to the touch.
Our salmon are healthy, natural and tasty, with excellent texture and high in Omega 3 fatty acids.
The fish are of exceptional quality and individually tagged to ensure full tracability. Additionally
our farming practices are good for the environment. Our salmon is farmed according to (EC) No 834/2007 and (EC) No 889/2008 Regulation(s).
In the greater scheme of things, Mannin Bay Salmon is a small salmon producer so rather than compete on
quantity, we compete on quality.
Mannin Bay Salmon Company Limited
Drinagh, Errislannan, Clifden, Co Galway.
Tel: 095 21262 Fax: 095 21773
Email: office@manninbaysalmon.com
Registered Number: 119465
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